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Our Philosophy

Somewhat surprisingly, until we created these Ethanol outreach programs, the key issues of using alternative fuels have not been directly or effectively communicated by federal, state, or local governmental agencies nor by auto manufacturers. Few if any consistent training programs exist that are specifically targeted to address the very specific questions and needs of auto technicians. Yet, these are the very people who must service automobiles and are relied upon by consumers to have the correct information. Our goal is to correct this problem by offering concise, interesting, informative, and effective training programs.

Change is inevitable, yet it is always met with resistance. People tend to ignore the benefits of anything new and focus instead on every negative point. Most are understandably skeptical because, so often, the people bringing the information have strong political or economic incentives to make a particular point. This taints the message, no matter how relevant or correct it may be.

Impartial education supported with undiluted facts and straight answers are the key. As a fully independent company, we can deliver a message clearly without the perceptions that it has filtered or slanted by underlying agendas.

The problems we face in finding fuels that are renewable, widely available, more environmentally friendly, and yet available at a reasonable cost are daunting, but our vision of the future is bright. The country of Brazil, for example, produces enough ethanol domestically that they now enjoy the status as a net exporter of liquid fuels.

We believe that the refueling station of the future will offer a much wider variety of choices. Is Ethanol the magic bullet that makes every problem go away? No, but it is helping, The viability of ethanol as a fuel for cars has been demonstrated by other countries, and it will certainly remain an important part of the answer for future generations.

IQ Learning Systems, Inc. will continue to support the efforts of many organizations in educating technicians and end consumers about all aspects of utilizing ethanol-enhanced fuels. We will continue to stay in touch with top racers and share all available information with racers, engine builders, and race sanctioning organizations.

We have also begun the process of seeking partners and funding to create a truly fuel-efficient engine and control system that takes better advantage of what the different fuels can do. You can count on us to share the most up-to-date information about alternative energy resources and the real advantages and special requirements of ethanol fuels.

Want Proof?

Is there really such a critical need for outreach? Isn't everybody tired of high fuel prices, global warming, and watching our money wind up in the hands of other countries? Won't we all welcome alternatives with open arms? Here's what happens when people are left in the dark.

One would think that the people in Kansas, the heart of the agricultural belt and a major corn producer, would jump at the chance to fill their cars with ethanol-enhanced fuels. In 2005, the ACE, the American Coalition for Ethanol, led by Marketing Development Director Ron Lamberty, approached the Kansas State Legislature with the Kansas Corn Growers Association to propose that they repeal the labeling law that required all gas stations to display a black sticker on E10 pumps. The label said "Contains up to 10% Ethanol", but ACE realized that consumers haven't been fully educated and that the black label may look to many like the warning on a pack of cigarettes. The legislators agreed and repealed that law. Overnight, about half of the gas stations peeled the label off their pumps or replaced it with the new label designed by EPIC, the Ethanol Promotion & Information Council.

In the next month, sales of E10 in Kansas went up over 700%, then peaked a few months later at over 1000% increase (see chart below).

Comparison of E10 Gallons Sold in Kansas July-December
2004, gal. sold
(before labeling law repeal)
2005 gal. sold
(after labeling law repeal)
% Increase
Information from the Kansas Department of Revenue, P/R Motor Fuel Activity Report

These statistics clearly imply that more training and outreach in ethanol-enhanced fuels is needed. There may have been other issues besides fear of the black label that slightly influenced E10 sales in Kansas, but the one can surmise that lack of the correct information kept consumers away.

At IQ Learning Systems, we're doing out part to make sure mechanics, racers, and the general public truly understand ethanol-enhanced fuels, that E10 is an excellent choice for any car, and that it has the approval of every auto manufacturer for use in their vehicle.

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